Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bitchy Boss: How to Deal

We've all had that job that we just hated. Whether it was the tacky uniform, the rude customers, or the catty girls. However, there is one thing I'm sure most of you have gone through (or are currently going through right now) and that is the bitchy boss. It's the way she talks to you, looks at you, and just makes you feel. Most of the time she is going to be older then you, and use that against you.

Let's face it. If you're a young attractive girl women superiors are just not going to like you. Especially if they are much older then you. Because while their breast are sagging, and body hair is starting to sprout in inappropriate places it's the opposite for you! And they will hate you for it.

So the question is. Just how do you deal with these bitchy bosses?

Fist off, don't ever change the way you look just for a job. Don't feel like you have dress frumpy or not wear makeup in order to get accepted. It's still not going to work. Because all that is going to do is make you look vulnerable, and let her know that she is winning. Plus it will make you feel really bad about yourself, and you won't be nearly as confident. Confidence is the key. If you act like you know what your doing, and if you dress and look appropriate you will get recognized for it. While you might have to deal with catty women along the way it will be worth it in the end.

Another great tip is to just kill her with kindness. Every time she is rude to you or says something very catty just stay overly sweet and kind. She will hate it! Not only will it make you look classy it will make her feel immature.

Also just try to get to know her. Who knows maybe something is going on at home. Or maybe she feels that you might be in the running to take her job. You never know until you talk to them.

Also a subcategory that I should mention is work cliques. Yes I know we thought we ditched those in high school but sadly they still survive. We all know who these girls are. They hang out together at work and outside of work and just "conveniently" forget to invite you. Ugh. So instead of saying (like we really want to) "I didn't want to go shopping you all anyway. You're just going to buy more whoreish looking boots to wear to work." Nope. Instead the best policy is just to be polite, and then if there comes a time when they do ask you to hang out reject them by saying "I really wish I could go, but I have somewhere I really need to be."

Plus while they are gossiping you can be getting more work done, and then when they are running behind because of deadline issues you will already be done. You will look good and get that promotion while they won't. Then as a treat to yourself go out and buy yourself some fashionable boots to wear to work.

All in all work can suck. You have days where all you want to do is go home and buy some Ben and Jerry's and watch Titanic. Not going to lie those days are still going to happen, espeacially if you have a boss that sucks. But I hope some of these tips have helped you.

If you have any further questions on how to deal with a bitchy boss feel free to e-mail me at: